AAPM Task Group 18 Test Patterns
The AAPM Task Group 18 test patterns described in the European protocol can be obtained from the Task Group 18 website (http://deckard.mc.duke.edu/~samei/tg18).
Some display systems can not be tested properly using these original images while some systems are not fully DICOM compatible, or because they treat mammograms differently from images from other modalities.
Therefore, two special versions of these images can be downloaded below. However, if modified images are required to be able to test your system, you should keep in mind that this may mean your system does not comply with the DICOM standard!
Modified Images (version 4)
These modified AAPM TG18 images can be usefull when:
– Your system accepts only mammography images
– Your system treats mammography images differently than images from other modalities
Image modifications:
– file format has been changed to mammographic DICOM image,
– The label (in the test pattern) has been changed from ‘version 8.0’ to ‘modified version’,
– All other pixel values are original,
– Patient ID was set to ‘Modified4’
Modified Images (version 3)
These modified AAPM TG18 images can be usefull when:
– Your system stretches the pixel values in a DICOM image such that the minimum pixel value is set to be displayed with the minimum luminance of the display and the maximum pixel value is set to be displayed with the maximum luminance of the display. If so, your system does NOT comply with the DICOM standard! (But it may still be interesting to measure the grayscale display function that is used.)
Image modifications:
- Pixel (0,0) has been set to the minimum pixel value,
- Pixel (1,0) has been set to the maximum pixel value,
- The label (in the test pattern) has been changed from ‘version 8.0’ to ‘modified version’,
- All other pixel values are original,
- File format has been changed to mammographic DICOM image,
- Patient ID was set to ‘Modified3’
Sunnybrook AAPM-TG18 Test Images
The TG18-QC test patterns have been modified to match the matrix size and DICOM header formats of different vendor’s digital mammography machines (to the best of our ability). Since new review workstations are all LCD technology rather than CRT-based, the “Cx” patterns used to assess CRT monitor sharpness have been removed. More information can be found here:
The files and images can be found here:
MoniQa Test Patterns
Following the internet link below you will find the MoniQa test patterns: