EUREF, the European Reference Organisation for Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic Services, is a pan European organisation, widely drawn from different Member States and is operated on a non-profit making basis for over 30 years. EUREF’s aim is to promote en ensure consistent high-quality breast screening and diagnostic services in Europe.
We are highly experienced in targeting the clinical, administrative, organisational and physico-technical performance of breast screening, diagnostic services, and all further diagnostic procedures.

Latest news
New Type Test Result
The HOLOGIC 3Dimensions has successfully passed the EUREF Type Test for 2D & Digital Breast Tomosynthesis mammography systems.
New Type Test Protocol is available
EUREF has developed a new Type Test Protocol (version 1.4) for both 2D & Digital Breast tomosynthesis mammography systems.
Contact information
Postal Address
P.O. Box 6873
The Netherlands
E-mail Address
E-mail: info@euref.org
EUREF, the European Reference Organisation for Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic Services, is a pan European organisation, widely drawn from different Member States and is operated on a non-profit making basis for over 30 years. EUREF’s aim is to promote en ensure consistent high-quality breast screening and diagnostic services in Europe.
We are highly experienced in targeting the clinical, administrative, organisational and physico-technical performance of breast screening, diagnostic services, and all further diagnostice procedures.
EUREF also provides voluntary certification services at all levels from local diagnostic breast imaging units to loco-regional screening programmes and has on several occasions provided certification services at national programme level.
EUREF has a long-standing international reputation for providing physico-technical advice for users, and technical assessments for mammography equipment manufacturers. EUREF took the lead in the production of the 3rd and 4th edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening, working together with EUSOMA and the European Breast Cancer Network. Many of its experts and colleagues were directly involved in the production of the recent on-line 5th Edition.
EUREF commits itself to the development and dissemination of European Guidelines, certification of breast services and mammography equipment and will provide support and advice on such issues upon request.
Please contact: info@euref.org